Friday, September 9

Jeremy Larson's Live DVD

They Reappear (Live at the Gillioz) Trailer - Jeremy Larson from Brook Linder on Vimeo.

One of my favorite artists Jeremy Larson will be publishing a live dvd of his performance at the Gillioz Theater from back in March. I, personally, drove twelve hours with my good buddy Ben Dunn to see this show, as it could never be performed anywhere else on earth, and Jeremy Larson is just one of those musicians you have to see at least once in your musical lifetime.

I'm pretty sure the filming and editing was all done by Brook Linder. i know nothing about this person except from what I can get from their videos on their vimeo page, which are sooooo incredibly shot and edited that all I can say is that she/he is definitely an artist worthy of taking on this project.

I'm just excited.
And it's Friday.

Hullo, Friday.

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