Wednesday, August 24

.... Conclusion

It's nine o'clock in the morning and I feel groggy and nasty.

Aaaaaaand, the most accomplished that I've ever felt in my entire life.
 The songs are finished, as far as I'm concerned with them. I've put two years into preparing for them, writing them, rewriting them, loving them, hating them, loving them even more, and then recording them. Now it's all finished, and at 12:10 this morning I fly back to some town so that I can start college (I just did something impulsive and registered for a tap dance class).

I think what is both most upsetting and peaceful (in a way) for me is the fact that I'm not going to listen to these songs again until the producer is finished mixing and mastering them (a process which amounts to about two to four weeks).
Though this wasn't my original idea, and am sort of being forced to do this, I think it will be good for me. The final step is stepping back. (Ironic).  I'm putting it into the hands of someone I trust musically, and I no longer have control over it any more.

I might go a bit crazy.
All this to say, I need to wake my chauffeur (also my producer, landlord, and close friend)  up so that I don't miss my flight. That would be soooooooo tragic......

Thanks to everyone who has been reading this. Your interest in what I'm doing has meant more to me than you know. I hope that in a couple weeks I might be able to give something back to you---- in the form of sexy tunes!


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