Sunday, June 12

The Wild Hunt

I just recently told a friend that I somehow feel tied down. When it comes to music, part of me wants to experiment with layers until I die, with acoustic sounds, electronic sounds, electric guitars, you know... the works. The other part just wants to be another Tallest Man On Earth, bringing nothing to the table but exceptional song lyrics and guitar pickings.

People have told me that it's okay, that I can sound like however I want to sound like, and not let the expectations of my audience limit me in my creative endeavors. I completely agree with them now, though I didn't at one time in my life. I mean, Mew sounds like Mew, and I want them to sound like Mew. The minute they start sounding like something different than what they are, I didn't really see the point. But that was my view when I was a listener. As a creator of music, it's a lot different. Music is this magic box that you're too curious to just leave be. You have to explore it, or you're not really doing music justice.
Anyway, I'm rambling.

But what I was originally talking about was the purist sound of The Tallest Man on Earth. His entire album is just him on a guitar, and then the last song on a piano. It's so simple and small-towny, but it's extremely powerful.
Sometimes I just want to be him.

Anyway, I guess you can tell that it's not possible, as I've covered his song with about ten tracks. Haha. I  can't even go near one of his songs without letting my curiosity get the best of me. I'm hopeless.

So I hope you enjoyed this one. I definitely enjoyed making it. I like working with beats. You get to move with the music in a different way than with other instruments. I like it.
Thanks for listening!

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