Wednesday, December 29

Hello, Mr. So-and-So. How was your Christmas? Good? Good. Get anything exciting? Oh, some golf clubs? That's nice. I've golfed once. Never could get my swing down just right, though. Oh you took lessons? Well, that's swell. You didn't get those slippers you wanted? Oh, wrong brand? Brand is everything, I agree. You're right. Doesn't matter if they are twenty dollars and fifty cents more. When you need comfort, you must pay for it. I couldn't agree more.

No, I'm not using this time to complain about how commercialism has ruined Christmas. Christmas didn't even start out as a Christian holiday. There's this fantastic documentary on the origins of Christmas that I just watched, but can't recall the name of. According to it, Christmas started out as a five day holiday in Rome celebrating the darkest day of the year (the winter solstice). So to say that Christmas is all about Jesus is sort of silly. Christmas was never intended to be about God-- at least the God that we talk about in church and youth gatherings and Beth Moore books. It was more of a pagan holiday worshipping the Greek God or Goddess of What-not to bring abundance upon the people in such-and-such a thing. I don't remember the details. I'm just a man, good grief.

I do think it's a nice little time to remember Jesus' birth. But we are mistaken if we think that Christmas is what it was intended for. Mother believes Jesus was born in April, of all months, though she has no rationale to back it up. I like to believe he was born on February 7. This way, Jesus, Charles Dickens, and myself can all share the same birthday. 

It was my first white Christmas this year, which is rather a shame, because I have been too blase' this past break to appreciate anything out of the ordinary. This isn't something that I want to be, and am doing my best to rid myself of my disinterest in the world.  Nevertheless, I shared some moments with my camera.

Oh... Well, while I'm at it, I suppose I'll share my excursion through the changes of the seasons. I've never lived in a place that claimed four season. Usually, it's only been two-- Wet and Dry.

The rugged mood swings that nature makes have taken me completely by surprise, and consequently have kept me on my toes. I shall take this moment to say that this world is a very wonderful world, indeed.

So, I understand that my only winter pictures thus far have been of Jack. But what can I say? The dog's a model. At first glance of a camera,  he'll make a run for the Cutest Dog awards. I'd definitely vote for him.


Christy said...

I think your blog looks better than mine haha. I like its subtlety.
If you want to center your header image, you might want to tinker w/ the CSS code. This site might help

Also, I learned about the origins of Christmas through a nice conversation I had w/ a lady at work who was a Jehovah's Witness. Interesting, indeed.

Finally, I really like your writing style. You should blog more, especially since you have created this cozy but snazzy layout that appears to be very conducive to good meaty thoughts : )

Isaac Middleton said...

Crap! You're right. It's not centered. How could I miss this?
Tank Yoo!!!


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