Saturday, October 2


I've always felt like being really good at a video game was more like learning how to twiddle your thumbs very well. It doesn't seem that complex, let alone athletic. You stare at a screen with a funny look on your face without blinking and move your thumbs around and can finally call yourself good at something. Congratulations.

Yet my criticism of the gamers of America can only go so far, because I'm kind of a hypocrite. I'm infatuated with Legend of Zelda games and have spent my fair share of time on Runescape. RPG's have always caught my eye and the thought has popped into my brain more than once to go waste my money on an Xbox or Wii or something ridiculous.

When the new Halo game Reach came out, I actually felt like I was missing out on something great. When I heard that Dragon Age was having this awesome deal, I wanted in. And when I found out that Lord of the Rings Online was now free, I came close to hugging the stranger next to me in the library.

Perhaps I'm finally realizing that I have responsibilities now, and I'm desperate for a way out of reality for a little while. Call me an escapist, if you must.
Or call me a prodigal son who had lost his way from the Light... of a game screen...

I'm just worried about wasting my life. I don't want to do that at all.

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