Friday, September 10

The Dilemma

The name of this whole blog is "So How's College Life?" and so far I have failed to say anything about life or college or how exactly it is. I'm quite embarrassed by my lack of commitment to anything, whether it be blogs or music or homework or dirty dishes or romances or friendships. I think this is the real dilemma of the human condition-- not quite a heart that is malicious and hateful and evil (though those do exist all over the world), but the passive heart who is too comfortable with his head in a pillow to get up and do anything great; the heart that has the potential to write plays and symphonies and poems and books and paint and design and interact with other human beings and laugh and be wise and full of love. That heart is too busy twiddling its thumbs on facebook and youtube and wimp videos to measure up to its own potential. This is mankind's dilemma-- this is the tragedy of the human heart.
And the greatest tragedy of it all is that we (at least I) are completely comfortable with the grass we have, realizing that it might be greener on the other side, but are too passive to reach for it.
All this to say, I'm sorry for my identity as the luke-warm, passive what's-his-face. I hope you're smiling, or at least content on the inside. I will tell you more later about my new life as a student.

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