Thursday, August 28



Here we are. Over three months have passed since I walked across campus in my captain gown outfit
, strolling from the parking lot of my old house to the basketball arena where the ceremonious ceremony took place, where I sat and played on my new intellectual phone while someone on a podium was talking about things I'm sure were very important, but unfortunately inaudible because of the poorly-planned acoustics of the gym's PA system. Our president with his missing thumb said some more things. I looked around and was glad to be surrounded by all of the people that I had studied with over the past four years. All theatre majors, even though I technically wasn't a theatre major. I was actually supposed to be sitting in another section, but, in the style of my educational pursuits, I refused to follow the system and did what I wanted. I sat with my friends, and not with the other BIS majors, who I didn't know at all.

Anyway, that was three months ago. Things are a lot different now.
I sometimes wear hippie clothes. My hair is getting longer. I'm reading East of Eden. While all of my previous younger classmates are, probably at this very minute, sitting in a classroom playing on their phone while somebody in front of them is talking to them about Western Civilization or what have you, I am no longer in that situation. This is the first time this has happened in seventeen years. I'm sitting at a coffee shop tapping my fingers away on a keyboard when I should be in school. Oh the liberation. Oh the freedom.

I haven't blogged in about a year-- like, really blogged. There are a lot of reasons for that, some of which I might go into if I keep this up (but who knows how long that should last!). Let's just say I've undergone quite a bit of change over the past year. Trials, troubles, tribulation, all that jazz. I've passed through the proverbial refining fire and have turned out... refined. Or somewhere close to that. I don't really know what I"m talking about.

Anyway, life has taken new directions, is pretty much what I'm saying. And it's cool and stuff.
I'm "pursuing music," is what I'm telling people nowadays, which pretty much is the easy way to say that I'm trying to set my life up in a way so that the creation and understanding of sonic and tonal relations is more accessible to me, which is the smart, intellectual way to say that I want to be a musician.

 It's working pretty well so far. I'm living with a childhood friend of mine, Ben,

 in Hendersonville, Tennessee, about forty-five minutes away from my college town, and this is where we're learning how to make "ART."

Ben is a mastermind in his own right. His speciality is what most people would call "those techno beats." He knows more than most people, and he feels like his curse in life is that no one will ever realize that. Such is the life of the wise men of this generation...

My aim in life is to surround myself with people that I think are better than myself (Like Ben!). This is so that I can learn their trade in whatever area they excel in, and become better at it than they are. And then backstab them and win! That's what I'm planning with Ben, but don't tell him that.

Anyway, I guess this will be the place where I document our progress, where I tell the tale as it trails on into the sunset, or into oblivion, or into success, or failure, or into hamburgers. Who knows. I don't.


Anonymous said...

This makes me smile. Please do let it stop!

Anonymous said...

don't let it stop….gosh! oops!


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