Saturday, April 7

What then?

I have always been given to the idea that when one pursues excellence in a given area, one is consciously diminishing the possibilities of excelling in any other.

For example, I love too much. Not people, really, just things. Ideas. Thoughts. Books. Music. Words that stand by themselves, capitalized, and followed by a coma. Words. (The people thing was a joke, sort of).

I feel as though I am tragically living my life balanced upon a see-saw, and my goal is, in some strange way, to reach the bottom safely, without a disgruntling thud. But to get down means to choose a side to walk upon so that it will weigh down and bear me to the ground-- and who knows what would happen if I were to choose This way, instead of That way. Well, of course the logical thing to occur would be for me to reach a certain bottom-- the ground, as it were. That is the end goal. But I have this terrible feeling that, whatever plank I choose to walk on will in some way define the kind of person I will end up being as I set foot to the ground. And the person that I end up being is, for some (perhaps daft) reason of paramount importance.

And this is dealing with more than that annoyingly unanswered question of "What to major in in college." Perhaps even more than the other equally annoying, but far more consequential, question of "What do I believe about God." This is transcending all these quibbles and going straight to the core: "What, if anything, is important?"

I've been told that one can only find that answer in oneself. That's a cute little post-modernistic one-liner you can use at intimate moments as you're talking with your one Transcendentalist friend over a beer behind a house where the party's dying down.

I've also been told that you can find what's important in Jesus. That's another cute little one-liner you can use as you're staring at the floor, giving your two cents-worth of what such and such bible verse means at a Wednesday night bible study.

What's important is found in the Bible --- Intimate moment around a campfire on a stifling Friday night at a Christian camp in July.

What's important? Whatever is right in front of you.  Your subconscious tells you that when you're not paying attention. And we never pay attention. Like right now. I'm not paying attention. Thus, this blog is important. How important? Can't say. I wasn't paying attention.

I'm used to being alone by now. I like being alone. It's comforting.
It's also terrifying.

I want to go to the sea, to close my eyes and hear the waves and the gulls and my own breath, all merging into one sound. The sound of time passing slowly. I want to feel the sun on my pale skin and bring it slowly to life, but not too hurriedly, otherwise I will burn. But then, should I want to burn, what then?

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