Sunday, July 29

What I've Been Up To

I got the glasses. They're sort of horn-rimmed and make me look like I'm from the sixties, especially with this orange sixties-looking long-sleeve polo that I'm wearing and my calculator watch. Do you care about any of that? Probably not. Onto relevance!

It's nearing August, and I feel almost completely cleansed from the troubles of last semester. The stress, the projects, the deadlines, the illnesses, the incredibly messy room that I called my home and had no energy to clean because I spent too much of my time working and the rest of the time complaining about how messy everything was. But it's all over now, and I'm slumped back comfortably on a hotel couch, watching something about the olympics on television, and talking to you, oh kind reader.

But I haven't been completely idle. I've been recording a small EP in my room in this tiny cottage on Kentucky Lake. I feel like every project that I put in front of me (an EP, a Musical, another EP) makes me closer and closer to some ethereal idea of what I want to be as an artist. I've finally learned to be comfortable with myself, allowing myself to create whatever I want to create at the time, giving no regards to whether any of my art looks or sounds similar to other bits. My EP, for example. One song is an Elton-John-style pop, which bleeds into a Mumford and Sons kind of sound, then leaves off with Freelance Whales-y vibes. Another song that I'm working on can be compared slightly to Fiona Apple. I'm not trying to sound like these people while creating, but afterwards, when I'm listening to the finished product, I find similarities with my music and other's, as can be expected. Anyway, I'm finally learning not to limit myself as an artist, telling myself that I HAVE to have this certain sound, and if not, I must fix it. My emotions and present state in life will determine the air of my lyrics, the energy of my music, and the sound of my voice. It's just a reflection of life in general, I think.

Anyway, if you would like to hear what I've been working on, you can check me out HERE! And then like me on Facebook HERE! Let me know what you think!

I must go. Hunger calls me.


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