Friday, August 30


I'm a Senior, which is weird when you think about it, but then not really that strange.

I looked at myself in the mirror yesterday while I was taking a break from rehearsals. (I'm in the show Crimes of the Heart. I'm playing Doc. I'm in two scenes, but they're good scenes, and I'm learning things as an actor).

It was one of those moments where you realize that sometimes those cheesy lyrics in pop songs that you always made fun of actually carry some simple-truth weight to them.

The lyrics like "I stare at the man in the mirror, and I don't recognize him anymooooooore."

Or those deliciously sappy Disney songs that you sing ironically to yourself in the shower.
"Whoooo is that girl I seeeee
Staring straight
Back at me?
 When will my reflection show
who I am insiiiiiiiiide...."

I know I'm not the only one who does that. Don 't lie to yourself. You do it, too.

But it was one of those moments. I looked up and I saw myself and I was surprised, really. I looked older and strange and different. I was no longer that awkward, little kid with hair hanging down over his plastic-rimmed glasses with acne and bad posture.

Okay, I still am. But I've changed. I look older. I feel older. Even my eyes look different.

Maybe it's all in my head.

People are constantly changing, and that's a good thing. Not a bad thing. I've changed, but I'm stillv ery much the same person.

Time and the human experience. Such crazy things...

This was a short post. Just letting you know what I've been thinking.

School is going well, Mom.

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